Claim your basket today for 10% off

Are you a last-minute gift shopper? We like your style, and we’ve got you covered. Look like the thoughtful hero you are with our customizable gift baskets. A warm nip and all the accessories are just the thing for your drinking buddy, the Christmas party host, or the family member that always has a little too much fun (we all have one).

*pickup in store only


Small - $35

  • Your choice of moonshine
  • 1 pint or whiskey glass
  • 1 shot glass 
  • 1 koozie

Medium - $65

  • Your choice of 2 moonshines
  • 1 pint or whiskey glass
  • 1 shot glass 
  • 1 koozie
  • 1 flask

Large - $100

  • Your choice of 2 moonshines
  • 1 pint or whiskey glass
  • 1 shot glass 
  • 1 koozie
  • 1 flask
  • 1 tshirt

Couples Basket - $65

  • Your choice of 2 moonshines
  • 2 pint, whiskey or wine glasses
  • 2 shot glasses

Bourbon/Whiskey Basket - $50

  • 1 bottle of 2 year bourbon or 6 year whiskey
  • 1 whiskey glass
  • 1 shot glass
  • 1 flask